You're given a card showing checkpoints hidden throughout the maze. Find each marker, punch a hole, and be entered to win some sort of fabulous prize. The entire maze is 7+ miles long, so I knew from the get-go that we would not be finding all of the checkpoints. Our goal was to find 4 of the 6 hidden in the longest section of the maze.
Things were going well. I was marveling at how tall the corn was (who knew??), snapping pictures, and getting lost by ignoring the map and taking random turns at every opportunity. Then it happened. Kurt looked at my shoes. Apparently, sandals are not approved cornfield footwear. Huh. While it was a little muddy and my feet did get a wee bit cold, it wasn't the disaster that I expected from Kurt's reaction. It did, however, give Kurt one more "Rebecca is a city girl" story which he shared with anyone and everyone who would listen. Of course, they were all country people and knew the unwritten rules of farm footwear. Bah!

I'm a bit of a city girl myself and I saw nothing wrong with the sandals! Well, ok, I probably would have worn tennies, but. . . I know how it feels to be a city girl and sheesh, I love it!
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